Robotics for children Nanit Robot

Nanit Robot is an innovative educational designer for active learning of robotics and programming.
Nanit Robot includes many modules with different functions – from servos and LED panels to various sensors and sensors that connect to each other using magnets, allowing you to create and program your own robots.
Simply connect the modules to create the ultimate innovative gadgets and robots. The builder app makes it easy for kids to learn programming with Scratch and C, realizing their inventive ideas without having to dive deep into complex code.
Nanit Robot opens up a wide range of possibilities for exploration, creativity and learning, giving children the opportunity to learn about technology and science through play. Discover the magic of STEAM for your child with Nanit Robot!
Features of Nanit Robot:
- Intuitive and easy to use – ideal for those new to the world of robotics and programming, but with enough options for advanced users to explore.
- Compatible with LEGO, Makeblock, Codey Rocky, Znatok and other constructors – adds endless variations and opportunities for creativity and personalization.
- Includes a wide range of electronic modules – from motors, LED panels to various sensors and sensors, each of which has its own unique function.
- Provides an opportunity to study advanced technologies – through the game, the child will be able to immerse himself in the world of the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning.
- Interactive educational materials have been created for the course – with online video tutorials and support from teachers, which will help you discover and realize your child’s creative and engineering potential.
Nanit Robot is not just a construction kit, it’s a window into the future where your child can create, learn and improve their skills!
- Fine motor skills.
- Sensory.
- Construction skills.
- Visual-motor coordination.
- Cognitive interest.
- Color perception.
- Fantasy and imagination.
- Shared game.
Nanit Robot is an innovative educational designer for active learning of robotics and programming.
Nanit Robot includes many modules with different functions – from servos and LED panels to various sensors and sensors that connect to each other using magnets, allowing you to create and program your own robots.
Simply connect the modules to create the ultimate innovative gadgets and robots. The builder app makes it easy for kids to learn programming with Scratch and C, realizing their inventive ideas without having to dive deep into complex code.
Nanit Robot opens up a wide range of possibilities for exploration, creativity and learning, giving children the opportunity to learn about technology and science through play. Discover the magic of STEAM for your child with Nanit Robot!
Features of Nanit Robot:
- Intuitive and easy to use – ideal for those new to the world of robotics and programming, but with enough options for advanced users to explore.
- Compatible with LEGO, Makeblock, Codey Rocky, Znatok and other constructors – adds endless variations and opportunities for creativity and personalization.
- Includes a wide range of electronic modules – from motors, LED panels to various sensors and sensors, each of which has its own unique function.
- Provides an opportunity to study advanced technologies – through the game, the child will be able to immerse himself in the world of the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning.
- Interactive educational materials have been created for the course – with online video tutorials and support from teachers, which will help you discover and realize your child’s creative and engineering potential.
Nanit Robot is not just a construction kit, it’s a window into the future where your child can create, learn and improve their skills!
- Fine motor skills.
- Sensory.
- Construction skills.
- Visual-motor coordination.
- Cognitive interest.
- Color perception.
- Fantasy and imagination.
- Shared game.
Complete set
What is included in the Nanit Robot kit:
- The main unit
- DC motor 2 pcs
- Servo motor
- Color sensor
- Light sensor
- Sound sensor
- Line sensor
- Baser
- Gyroscope
- joystick
- Ultrasonic distance sensor
- Pir sensor
- Magnetic blocks 10 pcs
- Connectors for connecting 7 pcs
- Foams for connection 30 pcs
- Clips 2 pcs
- Wheels 2 pcs
- Type-C cable
- A set of cardboard characters in a folder
Features of Nanit Robot
Nanit Education
5 years
6 years
7 years
8 years
9 years
10 years
11 years
12 years
Gender of child:
Girl, Boy
Number of parts:
Theme of the set:
Robotics and programming
Brand registration country:
12 months
1400 g
Box dimensions (LxWxH):
29×22×8 cm
Lithium ion battery:
Nanit Robot is an innovative educational designer for active learning of robotics and programming.
Nanit Robot includes many modules with different functions – from servos and LED panels to various sensors and sensors that connect to each other using magnets, allowing you to create and program your own robots.
Simply connect the modules to create the ultimate innovative gadgets and robots. The builder app makes it easy for kids to learn programming with Scratch and C, realizing their inventive ideas without having to dive deep into complex code.
Nanit Robot opens up a wide range of possibilities for exploration, creativity and learning, giving children the opportunity to learn about technology and science through play. Discover the magic of STEAM for your child with Nanit Robot!
Features of Nanit Robot:
- Intuitive and easy to use – ideal for those new to the world of robotics and programming, but with enough options for advanced users to explore.
- Compatible with LEGO, Makeblock, Codey Rocky, Znatok and other constructors – adds endless variations and opportunities for creativity and personalization.
- Includes a wide range of electronic modules – from motors, LED panels to various sensors and sensors, each of which has its own unique function.
- Provides an opportunity to study advanced technologies – through the game, the child will be able to immerse himself in the world of the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning.
- Interactive educational materials have been created for the course – with online video tutorials and support from teachers, which will help you discover and realize your child’s creative and engineering potential.
Nanit Robot is not just a construction kit, it’s a window into the future where your child can create, learn and improve their skills!
- Fine motor skills.
- Sensory.
- Construction skills.
- Visual-motor coordination.
- Cognitive interest.
- Color perception.
- Fantasy and imagination.
- Shared game.

Robotics for children Nanit Robot
What is included in the Nanit Robot kit:
- The main unit
- DC motor 2 pcs
- Servo motor
- Color sensor
- Light sensor
- Sound sensor
- Line sensor
- Baser
- Gyroscope
- joystick
- Ultrasonic distance sensor
- Pir sensor
- Magnetic blocks 10 pcs
- Connectors for connecting 7 pcs
- Foams for connection 30 pcs
- Clips 2 pcs
- Wheels 2 pcs
- Type-C cable
- A set of cardboard characters in a folder

Robotics for children Nanit Robot
Nanit Education
5 years
6 years
7 years
8 years
9 years
10 years
11 years
12 years
Gender of child:
Girl, Boy
Number of parts:
Theme of the set:
Robotics and programming
Brand registration country:
12 months
1400 g
Box dimensions (LxWxH):
29×22×8 cm
Lithium ion battery:

Robotics for children Nanit Robot
Моя дочка почала досліджувати світ за допомогою робота Nanit, і я вражений тим, як вона змінилася. Вона стала більш аналітичною, винахідливою та зацікавленою в навчанні. Nanit Robot не просто навчає – він прищеплює дітям любов до науки та техніки. Це безцінне!
Я використовую Nanit Robot на своїх заняттях, і результати просто чудові. Студенти легко освоюють складні програмні та інженерні концепції, отримуючи від цього величезне задоволення. Цей конструктор дозволяє зробити навчання живим та цікавим. Я рекомендую!
Справжнім відкриттям нашої родини став конструктор Nanit Robot! Мій син захоплено вивчає програмування та робототехніку, розвиваючи логічне мислення та творчі здібності. Я бачу, наскільки він зацікавлений у навчанні та як це допомагає йому у школі. Дякую Nanit Robot за такий чудовий продукт!